Asbestos Removal & Disposal

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+971 2 667 6638

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Office 1237, ADNIC Bldg., Khalifa Street, Abu Dhabi

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Asbestos Removal & Disposal

Asbestos removal can be a sensitive issue for employees and building owners as many concerns regarding the safe removal and exposure are paramount for all the projects.

Our team can organise the safe removal of Asbestos from planning, preparation, removal and packing stages to the hazardous waste transport for final disposal at a licensed landfill facility.

The method for removing will depend on the material that contains asbestos and how it has been applied. Our well trained team has the know-how to handle of all types of asbestos materials from those bound in a medium such as ‘Asbestos Cement’ to the extremely fibrous products found in sprayed on limpet and lagging.

We also carry out assessments, risk analysis and air testing to ensure safe working conditions, free from potential asbestos exposure and hazards.

All work carried is in accordance with the Approved Code of Practice issued by UK Health and Safety Executive. Our clients shall benefit from our considerable expertise in managing their responsibilities under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012).

Please contact us to answer any questions that you might have about the removal of asbestos.